Monday, 21 September 2015


"All newly ordained ministers should wait behind to see the Pastor..."

Syntyche groaned as she thought of the additional time she would spend in this meeting. Pastor Gabriel had no qualms starting another sermon as part of the meeting; the man loved talking! She was kind of hoping to finish watching the movie she had borrowed from her colleague and she still had a 40 page report to review. Well...

She looked to where she had seen Cletus earlier and he was gone. He couldn't even wait for the service to end. She felt the familiar sadness. After all she had given up to give him a good life, Cletus was bent on making her life miserable. Sometimes, she wondered if he had managed to track Stephen down and was learning how to annoy her from his father...He knew the buttons to set her off...As she scanned through the hall, she thought she saw someone like Sylvia but maybe her eyes were playing pranks on her.

As Euodia heard the announcement, she groaned inwardly. Who wants to spend two hours of their lives listening to Pastor Gabriel repeat what had already been preached during service? The man was incapable of having a brief meeting. She was really hoping to finish the 'business' Archippus started earlier. She was ovulating and this Pastor Gabriel's meeting may very well be an obstacle to her miracle! She quickly checked her thoughts and reminded herself that at the appointed time, the Lord would visit her.

She thought Archippus was acting strange but she wondered if it was her nerves. She had turned back to see him looking lost during the ministration. He seemed to be holding on to his phone a bit tighter than he normally did. She was itching to leave church so they could talk about whatever news he just received.
Stephen thought again about Syntyche. She was so nice when he first met her. He was the choir master and more or less Pastor's right hand man. It took a lot to keep the ladies at bay. However, his guards failed him the first day he saw her. He knew she had to be his.

She was such a free-spirited lady that laughed a lot. No matter what he said or did, she found something funny to laugh about. Which red-blooded man could resist a beautiful woman who found him funny? Every choir rehearsal only brought them closer. When he couldn't keep his hands to himself anymore, he figured out it was time to make it official. Church folks kept asking if he had prayed and he told them 'yes'. The truth was that he didn't need any prayers in deciding to move forward...

"Mr., please can I have my money? I need to get back to school."

The girl from last night brought him back to the present.

"Oh. Please hold on..."
Sylvia was so happy to have Cletus so close to her. She had definitely missed him and his active imagination. He was telling her a ridiculous story of how he and his 'gang' stole his stingy classmate's notes and made her beg for days before releasing them to her. She was thoroughly entertained. She wished she had been more supportive when Stephen left her sister to care for an infant. She was so caught up with people-pleasing.

She turned as she heard her name and look straight into Syntyche's icy glare.

Author's Note: Euodia and Syntyche's story is found in Philippians 4:2-3. This is a very very fictionalized version...Stay tuned for Episode 6.

Monday, 14 September 2015


"Women Ministry - Deaconess Euodia. She will be assisted by..."
Euodia was exultant. How could a childless woman head the Women Ministry? This was clearly God at work. She intended to ensure that those self-righteous women understood that one didn't have to have kids to be a woman. It wasn't like she didn't want to have kids; her time hadn't just come. Yes, it was rewarding to head the women ministry and watch those women who snickered and mocked her eat their words. It'll be nice to be assisted by someone like Deaconess Lydia.
"Deaconess Syntyche", Pastor Gabriel finished the statement.
What was happening? How could Syntyche be her assistant? No, she wasn't hearing properly? How could she work with THAT WOMAN? A woman that couldn't even keep her home?
Syntyche couldn't believe her ears. How could a childless 'woman' head the women's ministry? How could she understand what mothers deal with? How could she be expected to work with Euodia?
On one hand, it was humbling that she, of all women, would be considered a women leader. Indeed, God chooses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. Where was it heard that a single mother would head the women ministry?
On the other hand, she had to deal with the "Holier-than-thou" Euodia. Well, she'll just have to find a way to work with THAT WOMAN!
Archippus was happy and sad at the same time. His dream of becoming a father had been fulfilled but he wished Euodia was the mother of his first child. He loved her but he couldn't remain childless. Her position in church would keep her occupied and it wouldn't be too hard to keep his secret. Yeah, and he was proud of her too.
Mama had come up with the plan. No one would suspect anything. It was a bonus that his first child was a boy and that he was an American citizen. He had to find a way to attend the naming ceremony party Mama was planning. He would find a way to visit mother and child later.
Sylvia had slipped into the church unnoticed. Syntyche hadn't even bothered to tell any of them about the ordination service. She was her only sister! She couldn't allow the gulf keep growing. One of them needed to take the step towards reconciliation.
She was sorry she had been cold to Syntyche; she couldn't see beyond the shame of having a single mother as a sister. She was thoroughly ashamed of the unkind words she had spoken to her sister. Learning about John's serial adultery two years ago had helped her change her views about what was truly shameful. They were seeing a marriage counsellor and she was learning unpleasant things about herself. She needed to find some time to see Syntyche and start showing her sister unconditional love.
Stephen wondered if Syntyche was amongst the ministers being ordained. He knew she was committed to the Faith Family Church; she kept him up to date with useless details of her life. He had no plans of returning to her but he couldn't get her out of his mind.
The lady he picked up yesterday had gone to take her bath so he was just passing time with the TV. He tuned in just as Pastor Samuel began his sermon. The sermon stirred him. Then he was seriously considering falling on his knees when it was time for the altar call. Then, the lady came in and the moment passed. Then, the pastor started talking about giving to build a church auditorium and he remembered why he had walked away from that life and started a new one.
Just as he was about to change the station, he saw her! Syntyche!
Cletus was tired already. He planned to spend the rest of the day with his computer. He was already missing an important part of the action. The gang had planned to have a group viewing at 12 noon. This was already 11:40am. Maybe he could sneak away. Yes, that's the best way to go.
As he moved towards the door, an usher accosted him and told him to return to his seat. No one was allowed to leave church once the (guest) pastor was ministering. That was a sign of disrespect for the anointing. Cletus rolled his eyes as he strolled back lazily to his seat. Maybe he'll even try to join in from his phone. Thankfully, his seat was secluded.
That sounded like Aunty Sylvia. He turned in the direction of the voice and found his aunt waving at him. He was happy to see her but sad to miss his "appointment". Well, pornography would have to wait!
Author's Note: Euodia and Syntyche's story is found in Philippians 4:2-3. This is a very very fictionalized version...Stay tuned for Episode 5.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015


"Blessed be the Lord, God Almighty
Who was, and is, and is to come
Blessed be the Lord, God Almighty
Who reigns forevermore"
The crowd went wild as Pastor Samuel mounted the stage. He was a charismatic preacher with a healing ministry. There were countless testimonies of those that had received their healing after his ministration. Some others had testified of other kinds of miracles. The church auditorium was always stretched beyond its capacity whenever Pastor Samuel was ministering.
As usual, Pastor Samuel delivered a soul stirring sermon on "Seed time and harvest". Then there was an altar call. Afterwards, he talked about increasing the capacity of the auditorium. He also talked about the need to expand the ministry's reach to the unreached people of the world. As he announced for those that would like to give a million dollars to support the work of the ministry, thousands flocked to the altar.
After the ministration, the ordination service began. Pastor Samuel exhorted the new ministers - pastors and deacons - on the need to care for the flock. He talked about the need to know church members BEYOND the walls of the church. He emphasized the importance of befriending members and knowing them intimately.
Then the ordination began. As Pastor Samuel came off the altar, all the new ministers fell, all slain in the Spirit. As he got to each minister, he prophesied. For some, he had a word of knowledge.
Archippus tried to focus on the service. All the talk about ministers getting to know their members intimately was making him uncomfortable. He didn't want anyone to know him intimately. He couldn't afford having anyone blow his cover.
He could consider coming once in a while, though, if the pretty usher that welcomed him was going to attend to him every time he came. The generous amount of her cleavage she shared with him when she bent to ask him to move his Bible had him struggling to remember that he was still in church. He wondered what else lay beneath. He quickly focused on the choir ministration but he quickly got distracted with the mini-skirt that one of the choristers put on. She had everlasting legs. He wondered where those legs led...
He wondered if it was time to ditch the televangelist...
He felt his phone buzz and he checked his BBM message...
Should he rejoice or mourn?
Cletus wondered if he should have stayed back home and do what he did whenever mum was away. The relief he got from his computer dulled the pain of rejection he felt. If his dad didn't want him, who else would? What was this preacher talking about? His mother lived in the same house and didn't care about him at all...And they're talking caring about others?
All she cared about was climbing the church leadership ladder. If she wasn't at work, she was in church attending so many meetings. Whenever she was at home, she was either cooking, watching church messages or working on things she brought from work/church to do at home. He only got her attention whenever he flouted her orders.
Her lack of attention used to bother him till Segun showed him the amazing things to do with his computer. He still got cheap thrills from upsetting his mum but most of the fun he got these days was from his computer and his phone.
Author's Note: Euodia and Syntyche's story is found in Philippians 4:2-3. This is a very very fictionalized version...Stay tuned for Episode 4.

Monday, 7 September 2015


Pastor Gabriel kept looking out for Sisters Euodia and Syntyche. Those women had him on his knees constantly. They weren't confrontational but he had learnt a lot about how women could sabotage each other without saying much very early in life. His mother was his father's third wife; this was one of the 'benefits' of growing up in a polygamous home.
For some reason, the Headquarter Church had decided to make them both the deaconesses in charge of the women ministry. He genuinely wished they had sought his input on this one. He would have paired either of them with Lydia; she was more accommodating. Well, Bishop Paul must have been led to pair these amazing, strong women. Actually, they were too similar to get along...
He heaved a sigh of relief as they filed in one after the other, Euodia first. Syntyche looked a bit ruffled but she appeared to be trying hard to keep calm. Euodia looked calmer and Archippus came with her. Phew...Thankfully, Pastor Apollos was ministering today. These amazing deaconesses...
Syntyche saw Euodia and Archippus walking in, acting all cosy.
"Can't they wait till they get home?", She thought irritably.
If she was honest with herself, she would have admitted that what she really felt were pangs of jealousy. Even in the first 2 years of their marriage, all she experienced with Stephen was turbulence...She always wondered if she would have been happier with Samson, though he was an unbeliever.
Ah! Samson...She quickly pulled herself together and got ready for the business of the day.
Euodia felt so thrilled. She was so glad Archippus came with her to church today. She was quite concerned about the fact that Archippus wasn't really into coming to church like that. He preferred "fellowshipping" with televangelists. She had asked him if he could call the televangelist in the middle of the night if he had a health challenge. He countered by asking her if she could call Pastor Gabriel in the middle of night if she had a health challenge. She couldn't say yes.
Pastor Gabriel was a good man. It was just that the financial targets kept him very focused on the seeds that members were sowing. Somehow, attending to midnight calls fell very low on his list of priorities. Similarly, caring for the people fell very low on the list of priorities of the leaders too. Everyone was trying to outdo the other with their seeds and win the prestigious church awards. Then, they'll be invited to every event and given positions of authority whether they 'qualified' or not.
Otherwise, how would a woman like Syntyche, who couldn't stay married, be ordained as a deaconess? She was ill-mannered and loud. Infact, she had once slapped a member of her house fellowship who spoke rudely to her. What was the church thinking ordaining someone like her as a deaconness?
If she was honest with herself, she would have admitted that what she really felt were pangs of jealousy. In spite of how well-behaved she was, she hadn't been able to birth a full-term baby in all the 15 years of marriage. She would have resigned herself to fate but the sadness that enveloped Archippus whenever he thought she wasn't looking. She was tempted to try fertility treatments but her understanding of the message of faith led her to believe that it would be an act of faithlessness. Archippus had hinted more than once that it won't hurt if they got tested to know what the issue was but she knew that God would honor her faith and answer them at the appropriate time.
Syntyche flashed a warm smile at Archippus and Euodias shot her a warning look...
Author's Note: Euodia and Syntyche's story is found in Philippians 4:2-3. This is a very very fictionalized version...Stay tuned for Episode 3.

Sunday, 6 September 2015


Euodia prepared for service. Her make-up was flawless. Today, she would be ordained a Deaconess. She had to look like a Deaconess. No creases.
She pretended not to notice the way Archippus had been stealing glances at her as she dished his meal. She couldn't afford to play his Sunday-Sunday game today. Last week, she had to drive like a maniac to avoid going late to church and spending 2 hours explaining to Pastor Gabriel why she was late. No, Archippus' libido had to wait till after the ordination service...
"Honey, you look smashing", Archippus started with the tone that still made her melt, even after 15 years of marriage.
"Archippus, you know today is ordination service...Why do you want to make me late?", She responded weakly
As he kissed her, she couldn't seem to remember what time the ordination service was anymore...
Syntyche couldn't believe that she was truly the mother of the boy standing in front of her. He was so clumsy and slow. She truly wished she hadn't kept him. Only her christian values had made her keep the pregnancy after Stephen walked away from their 2-year old marriage.
She had initially thought she was going to die from the heartbreak. In the 13 years they had been separated, Stephen had only contacted her 3 times. She had contemplated moving on but she wondered if the next man won't be worse than Stephen.
She was tempted to go down memory lane but she didn't have the luxury of time. If she didn't hurry, she'll be late for ordination service. She was to be ordained as a Deaconess. Who would have thought she would have qualified? She couldn't afford to go down memory lane...She needed to put Cletus in his place too. He had started challenging her authority...
"How can you call yourself a Deaconess and be using foul language on your son? Are you a christian at all?", Cletus spat back at her.
She lost her cool and slapped him...
Author's Note: Euodia and Syntyche's story is found in Philippians 4:2-3. This is a very very fictionalized version...Stay tuned for Episode 2

Growing Wings Episode 24

 "Sweetheart, we need to talk"
Wole was tired of walking on eggshells around Yeside. Aunty Mope had called again about Ibukun's school fees. He needed to discuss it with Yeside; he'll probably borrow the school fees from her anyway...
"How long will this talk take? I have an 8am meeting ooo"
"Don't worry, it won't take long. Infact, maybe I should drive you to work and we can talk after dropping Olamide off in school. What do you think?"
For some reason, Yeside wasn't too thrilled about having Wole in her office. What if he somehow found out about whatever it was she and Barrister Ikedia were having? She couldn't think of a practical reason why his plan won't work so she agreed.
"It'll be so nice driving you to work. It's been a while I cared for you"
"Mr. Loverman, don't love me to lateness ooo"
They both laughed.
Motunrayo wondered how long it would take before the poison would complete its work. The articles she read had said that it would take between 16 and 24 weeks for it to work. She wasn't sure she could act "normal" for that long, though.
"Motunrayo, have you started dinner?"
She could literally feel bile rising as she looked at her mother. She hated her with everything within her. Which mother would lead her daughter like a lamb to be slaughtered?
"I'll get started now", Motunrayo responded in the meekest voice she could fake.
Every day, as she read about women who braved all odds and stood up to partriarchy, she hated her mother more. How could she sacrifice her daughter to this idol called marriage? Why couldn't she leave this marriage with her children? She swore at that point NEVER to be so dependent on any man.
Meanwhile, Mama was next on her list...
Kunle Agunbiade couldn't believe it! After so many years of fasting and praying, Anjola had become the "doting" wife. Sure, she still had her moments but she now actually let him lead the family. He had got used to letting her have her way so leading would definitely take some getting used to.
He had offered to pick Olamide from school and watch him for two weeks. They were vacating today. He had suggested to Anjola, then Wole and Yeside that Olamide and Martha could spend some time with them while Wole and Yeside spent time alone to work on their relationship.
They were seeing a marriage counsellor that Pastor Richard had recommended. Things seemed to be going on smoothly. Kunle knew that he had to intensify his prayers now. In the meantime, he couldn't wait to pick Olamide and Martha up.
Gbenro looked at the pamphlet that Susan, his personal assistant had given him. He had removed it from his glove compartment and taken it into the house with the aim of reading it. He had forgot all about it until Motunrayo stumbled on it while she was cleaning his room.
How did he go from being "Bro Gbenro" to this guy that had no qualms poisoning his friend? He had fallen from such a great height. As he finished reading the tract, he fell on his knees and cried out to the Lord.
"Help me Lord. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned"
It was definitely time to head back home. He gave Susan a call and asked her to come over. It was time for a new beginning.
"Aunty Mope called me about two weeks ago"
Wole started the conversation as they drove out of Olamide's school.
"Really? How is she doing? How is the family? It's been a while o"
"They are doing relatively well. However, they have some financial challenges. They're having difficulties paying Ibukun's school fees"
"Hmmmm. How much are we talking about? Do you think we should send them something to help?"
Wole watched in amazement as Yeside asked for Aunty Mope's phone number. He said a quick "Thank You, Lord" mentally as he gave her all the details. So, this was what he had been agonizing over for two weeks?
He pulled over and gave Yeside a heartfelt hug.
"Thank you, Yeside"
"For what now?"
"For everything"

Author's note: This is the end of "Growing Wings". "Flying High" will pick up from where "Growing Wings" stopped.

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