He had a banging headache! Why was he seeing the ceiling on the floor? Gosh! His phone kept blinking and he kept rejecting the call...Justice Anjolaoluwa Agunbiade was the last person he wanted to talk with.
What happened to the favour he was supposed to receive after finding a wife? He thought he had it rough before getting married; now he knew those experiences were just 'examples of life'. He wondered what demon possessed him to go after that demon that disguised herself as an angel. And those her blood-sucking co-demons that she called her relatives. Jeez! He couldn't believe all that was expected of him as a 'son' in the prestigious Agunbiade family. Endless parties with endless financial obligations. Mean comments masked as 'advice'. He wondered how these people coped. He had tried to make a joke once about it; he still can't believe he wasn't skinned alive by his in-laws.
He had less and less time for his career or personal devotion. The church activities were another issue altogether. He was always exhausted on Mondays. Throw in the fact that Yeside contributed more to the joint account and he usually had to get a loan from her by the middle of every month. She pretended not to mind but the frequency of phone calls he got from Justice Anjola told him otherwise. Her thinly veiled disdain for his job with the electricity company was enough proof that Yeside was just a pretending demon.
He found the marriage certificate as he looked through Yeside's things. He had been searching through her things for no apparent reason.
'Would the marriage be invalid if the marriage certificate was missing?'
The thought came to Wole from nowhere....He smiled as he examined and weighed the thought....
He decided to give it a try...Who knows what the witch had up to her sleeves, anyway? He would devise a means of destroying that certificate without drawing attention to himself. He could always stage-manage a break-in and blame the missing marriage certificate on the break-in. Brilliant idea! He checked the back of the certificate to see if there was an expiry date...hey, who knows? He held it a bit and dreamt of the freedom he would get once the certificate was missing...
He was startled when he heard the front door close. Yeside had come back from the office...He quickly returned the certificate and set things straight.
'Welcome dear, how has the day been?', Wole asked Yeside cheerfully.
Yeside looked back and saw Wole smiling at her in the kitchen. He was reaching for a bottle of water from the fridge. He had cleaned up pretty well and was looking really good...She thought she felt some spark but who had time for that? She had to deal with the issue at hand while the iron was still hot....She would process Mabel's stories later...
'Olawole Ibukunoluwa Akingbade, you are a sorry excuse for a man! Where did you go last night? Who were you with? Please tell me you went to work today, irresponsible man!'
Wole was shocked initially, then he remembered he was dealing with Demon Yeside with the angelic look...
'I guess that's how they teach you in your numerous Christian women groups to greet your husbands. Well, we already know we are in the last days.'
Wole got the water and went to the living room to see what was on TV.
'So, you won't answer my questions, right?', Yeside barked.
'Where is Olamide?' Don't tell me you didn't even pick him up from Mum?', Yeside bellowed. 'My God, you are truly good-for-nothing'
Yeside reached for her mobile phone and called her mum. They agreed that her mum would bring Olamide home and also talk to Wole about his unwholesome behaviour.
'Mummy will be here with Olamide in about an hour. She wants to bath him before bringing him over.'
'It's not like my opinion counts so I wonder why you're giving me all that information. Thanks, anyway.', he responded sarcastically.
About 20 minutes later, he got up and went to the room. 5 minutes later, he had dressed up and was heading out of the house...
'I thought I told you Mum was bringing Olamide.'
'Yeah, I heard you. What's the problem?', Wole asked.
'So, where are you going?'
'Outside the house as you can see'.
'But when Mum comes....'
'You tell her I said hello. I'm not interested in attending a coven meeting today and I don't feel like hearing about court cases, thanks. Take good care of yourself'.
As Wole breezed out, all that kept ringing in Yeside's ears was 'COVEN MEETING'....Did Wole just call her and Mum witches?
Please leave comments with suggestions on how you believe the story should unfold....Please credit 'The Women Stories' if you choose to share. Thank you.
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